The project focuses on renewable energy projects and how they reshape people’s relationships with their lands, each other and the state. Hydropower energy projects are a crucial part of society’s efforts to both adapt to and prevent (mitigate) climate change, but clean power plants alone are insufficient to ensure just, sustainable transformation. The energy sector is influenced by geopolitics, injustices, environmental changes, and development efforts, making research on socio-material change essential. The project aims to develop a new analytical framework and methodologies that integrate social and material aspects to better understand change and address justice issues. The overall research question is, how do unruly dynamics shape energy frontiers?

Micro-hydro station set for exansion, Nepal

Micro-hydro station set for exansion, Nepal

International Advisory Board

Michelle Bastian, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Giulia Di Nunno, University of Oslo, Norway

Tim Forsyth, LSE, United Kingdom

Dipak Gyawali, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Nepal

Rose Keller, Norwegian Institute of Nature Research, Norway

Rahul Ranjan, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Andy Stirling, Sussex University, United Kingdom

International Advisory Board

Michelle Bastian, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Giulia Di Nunno, University of Oslo, Norway

Tim Forsyth, LSE, United Kingdom

Dipak Gyawali, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Nepal

Rose Keller, Norwegian Institute of Nature Research, Norway

Rahul Ranjan, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Andy Stirling, Sussex University, United Kingdom


Funded by the European Union (ERC, UNRULY, 101142262). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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