Giulia Di Nunno

Giulia Di Nunno

Professor of Mathematics University of Oslo

Professor of Mathematics University of Oslo

Giulia Di Nunno is professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo with specialisation in stochastic analysis, theoretical and applied. Her interests lie in the study of chaotic phenomena in time-space, the definition and evaluation of risks as well as control and hedging. The areas of applications have been both finance, economics, and energy. Lately, she has been interested in climate risk and energy transition in an interdisciplinary fashion, joining UNRULY Sustainability. Giulia has been active in different research projects funded among others by the Research Council of Norway, Centre of Advanced Studies, Simons Foundation, and University of Oslo. Lately, she has been leading STORM-Stochastics for Time-Space Risk Models (RCN). Giulia is associate editor in a number of specialised journals, including Finance and Stochastics, Stochastics, Frontiers of Mathematical Finance, Journal of Stochastic Analysis and Applications. She is member of the Scientific Council of CIRM (France) and she is leading the one of CIMPA (UNESCO Category 2 centre). She is working in the Global South with the European Mathematical Society, ISP Uppsala, and CIMPA. Giulia is fostering mathematical education and excellency among the under represented groups to promote diversity. In 2019 she has been awarded the ICIAM Su Buchin Prize for her achievements. She is ambassador for the Committee for Women in Mathematics of the International Mathematical Union and represents UiO in CORE-Math, Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Mathematics (ARUA-TheGuild).

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